quarta-feira, 15 de abril de 2009




Freud called civilization creates neuroses

Also gives the increase in mental diseases to the damage produced by modern industrial civilization.
Inova when directed their criticism of civilized sexual morality and not the genres and rhythms of life imposed by the industrial civilization. This will lead to the problem of education as a direct agent of the spread of neurosis. Education is a process of development and maturation partially entered in the child's genetic heritage which is the product of human history.
The contradiction that Freud thought he had discovered between sexuality and civilization reappears in the educational relationship. The problem exposed by Freud at the level of civilization, is it that education has to resolve to: reconcile the development of the child, me toward civilization, the maintenance of its ability to be happy. Already at that time begin to suspect that there might be at the heart of civilization another dimension, other than the pleasure principle compatible with the needs of survival.
The concept of civilization, the work of Freud, is floating and poorly defined.
The word civilization refers, in some cases, the Western civilization of the end of the nineteenth century, to their patients, patient herself developing a germ that Freud located at the mythical primordial pact that succeeded the original murder of the father.
The concept of civilization has just become almost a synonym of the law of waiver of the enjoyment.


1893 - First critical of Freud civilization: neuroses current (that season)
• neurastesia
• the anxiety neurosis

 opposed to psiconeuroses Defense (originated mainly psychological)
 from sexual dissatisfaction, consequences of masturbation and coitus staccato

Friction 1 - x society healthy sexuality
• prophylactic medicine to prevent D.S.T. (syphilis and gonorrhea)
• solutions to the same: masturbation and relationships between boys and girls of good family, that is healthy.

 affected by Malthusianism

"In the absence of any possible solution, the company seems set to become the victim of incurable neuroses which reduce to a minimum the joy of living, destroy the marital relationship and the inheritance, carry with them the ruin of future generations." (Freud, in a purely medical approach).

• hope for discovery of a contraceptive method effective and harmless;
• hope of reconciling the demands of sexuality with the economic life;
• later, attacks the social and moral education of that time;
• is ethical positions, based on clinical psychoanalysis;
• etiology of hysteria and obsessive neurosis (psiconeuroses defense) modifies the data of the problem and focus of Freud;
• neurasthenia and neurosis of anxiety (disorders of sexual function current) x "psiconeuroses of defense" (hysteria and obsessive neurosis): conflict of the human being of a sexual nature with his "ideal of purity."

 Awareness refuses to accept it and therefore try to resolve it, "fake" ignore it and that mental conflict is expressed by symptoms of such forces.

• Freud cites the pathogen: the lack of sexual representations (morality of the subject).

 morality: the fruit of education
 higher social class of neuroses in which education operates.
"As the effort of the self-defense depends on the whole moral and intellectual development of the person, will now be less incomprehensible to us the fact that hysteria is much more rare in the lower classes that should allow its specific etiology."

Castrating Education:
• the social activity;
• thoughts of it directed;
• would result only of social demands?

• repression
• stay in the unconscious, which generates neuroses.

Being against the sexual morality of his time, Freud has been rejected on medical resources.
Sexual taboos are other barriers that block scientific research: prohibition of sex and thinking.
In practice the ban falls on analytical thinking, forming the core of neurosis:
• scientific activity and prophylaxis of neuroses require the transformation of social morality.

 Overcoming the resistance of a generation of physicians;
 lick proud parents believed that to be better, before the children;
 senseless fighting hypocrisy of mothers, who are believed most of neuroses.

• The need arises to discuss the problems of sexual life, seeking public opinion, without considering an operator of lower instincts.

Necessary requirements of our sexuality, that is beyond the release of the costumes, the release of word and thought.
The psychoanalysis operates by word:

 analysis should lead to cure the advent of a word in place of the symptom.

The analysis shows that it is the lack of a real word that gives rise to the symptom, which will take its place.
An ethics based on the word is an ethic of truth.
A neurosis is a result of a lie that is not the lack of word, not always express the truth.

 education is the result of a well-disposed, but which prohibits think.

Freud denounced abuse of a sexual morality as well as punish acts, prohibiting the intentions and the thoughts, the intellectual activity castrated.

 This is the "bad thoughts", created by religion, particularly Christianity.

"Freud is not limited to criticism: try to give an analytical interpretation that goes to the heart of the relationship between civilization and sexuality."


In the vast work of Freud, although this was at first predominantly focused on clinical question, is the desire to build an understanding - always guided by an optical focusing their clinical-research on the human condition. For him to humanity and its culture is a pathology, and so it develops all its work without break the disease found in the individual identified in the pathological behavior of society and civilization.
The whole theoretical edifice of psychoanalysis is based on understanding of the subject before their defenses and strategies to interact with the outside world through what he can identify as their being, which moves in the ceaseless quest to achieve your desires.
On this comprehensive statement, Freud constructs his work with a vast number of discoveries, which have found a unique knowledge of the mechanisms of the deeper human being. Can, through clinical research associated with a solid intellectual training, to systematize, in large part, the operation of what may be considered the cornerstone of all psychoanalytic knowledge: the unconscious. Their findings are gradually identifying phenomena and causal relationships in this hitherto mysterious universe for humanity, outlining the prevalence of unconscious on human life. Initially, interpreting the dreams of their patients, and their own, Freud is consolidating enviable scientific rigor with a broad theoretical field in which the analysis is based. Parallel to this investigation of the microcosm of the human being, it builds a theoretical bridge between human beings and civilization, while identifying a strong causal relationship between the neurotic suffering of human beings and the civilizing process in which it is immersed. It is this feature of Freudian thought, the development of civilization and its relation to mental structure of the individual, here identified as his social thought, which reflect fetch.

Millot, Catherine - anti-Freud - Rio de Janeiro, Zahar, 1987, p. 10 to 17.

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