segunda-feira, 17 de novembro de 2008


Ferreira, Helena


The difficulties in the correct spelling of words, but also analyzing and retention of knowledge essential for addressing the process of literacy, should be viewed as emotional problems, cases of inadequate teaching, lack of maturity of the child.
The basic skills necessary for writing, with a view to the great difficulty encountered by most teachers and involving children, should be seen within a stimulating environment to enable their ways of thinking.
To recognize the child in a learning disability, whether it is necessary first to understand what is learning and what the factors that affect it. Learning is a complex process that takes place within the individual and is manifested in a change of behavior. To establish whether or not there was learning we need the changes are relatively permanent.
There are at least seven key factors for this is learning effect. They are: physical and mental health, motivation, prior field, maturity, intelligence, concentration and memory or attention. The absence of one of these may be the cause of failures and learning disabilities that will arise.
From there you can understand the difficulties faced by children in the process of literacy, including in writing. It is also the educator working with the motivation, maturity of students as well as methods, procedures and resources to create a pleasant atmosphere.
Daily, there is the difficulty of learners in the writing of the correct words, when they are challenged to write them. We must rethink the problem of misspellings.
In that sense, it is an opportunity to reflect on political aspects of literacy that include the use of writing and reading and, consequently, the relations between language and power. When working with the spelling, the school fulfills one of its worthy roles, which is access to the rules of cultural norms.
Therefore, the student must be interest of conventional character of our spelling system of cultural norms and, consequently, be able to reflect on the similarities and differences between speech and writing.
There are many factors that hinder the understanding of the spelling system. Countless spellings justify itself only by etymological reasons, namely because of their origin. Moreover, the English phonemes presents much more than the letters of the alphabet, and uses several letters, to represent a single sound.
In the face of all these concepts in relation to the correct spelling, there are still many doubts about the paths to be pursued by schools in order to remedy the difficulties that many students have.


We must think and analyze the problem of spelling mistakes in the Brazilian context. The size of the written culture refers to come to the attention of the citizens living in a literate culture. It involves knowledge, attitudes and values that are constructed in coexistence with the written culture as a whole, the enjoyment of the benefits it can bring. This knowledge, attitudes and values need to be developed in the long term since the media of writing is changing and that in the course of schooling, the use of capacities related to it becomes increasingly complex. Thus the literacy entails not only reading and writing, but also understand and master all the means in which the texts are included in society.
This paper aims to discuss and attempt to elucidate this problem that permeates the educational environment. Accordingly, we must reflect on political aspects of literacy that include the use of writing and reading and, consequently, the relations between language and power. In particular, students from disadvantaged social, economic and cultural environment - which speaks moves further from the cultivated variety, that the Convention Spell tries to represent - must be better understood by teachers in their linguistic performance and understanding of the need to learn to use correctly written language in the society in which we belong.
When working with the spelling the school meets one of its roles, which is to give students access to the rules of cultural norms as they are used in popular language. The student must be effectively not only informed of the nature of our conventional spelling system, the cultural norms, but also take him to reflect on the similarities and differences between speech and writing. In particular, they should understand that writing is not a simple transcription of oral language, constituting itself - code written and oral - in forms or variants of the same alternatives.
There are many factors that hinder the understanding of the spelling system. Countless spellings justify itself only by etymological reasons, namely because of their origin. Moreover, the language presents more of phonemes that the letters of the alphabet and uses several letters to represent sounds.
The teaching of spelling happens once the student starts to understand the alphabetic system of writing, that is, when you have learned the value of the letters and sounds can already read and write short texts.
For the student learn to read and write, it is necessary to understand the what and why to do this. The beginning of the learning of writing but of reading, defines itself in understanding the uses and values of writing and reading in society. The real reader and writer who holds the reading and writing, you know why it does, choose what you want to read and write and provides recipients for their productions.


An educator can not underestimate the child, should provide a rich cultural milieu of experience, which can fully develop their abilities. What is need to understand is that learning disabilities are all people, and for many reasons and causes, and they appear in the light of what has to be done.
PIAGET (1986) states that: "The language, conveys the individual, a system that contains concepts, classifications, relationships and concepts produced by earlier generations. But the child uses this system, following their own rights. If you have not yet built the operation of classification, a word on a general concept, it will be appropriate in the form of a bias, semi-individual and semi-socialized. "
Once built the operation of the classification system and their inclusion, new opportunities are opening up for the guy who is able to make inferences and deductions, so more and more autonomous, ie without the need to be "taught" to each new stage of the teaching-learning process.
Problems of learning always exist, and that is wonderful because, behind the mistake of a student, is the opportunity to discover how he organizes his thoughts. The error gives life inside a classroom, because some students, those mistakes, think differently from the others, and that's great, it provides a wealth of knowledge available to teachers.
One student who learns not decorate with real meaning, but one that shows us that wrong is thinking, developing your knowledge, building your knowledge. The teacher needs, to deal with the errors of his students, questioning why that answer, and then begin to understand how they think. It is up to him, create situations of education, information, to help the student with more difficulties to overcome what has already been exceeded by most colleagues, feeling assisted by the teacher and at no time deleted or criticized.
If the teacher and his students can establish in their room, an atmosphere of mutual respect, we can say that, in fact, the social interaction of the group is not only training but also constitutive of a new knowledge and a new form of interpersonal relationship.
All children, independent of any attributes used to define them, have conditions, for themselves, progress in terms of knowledge. It is for the educator, providing a rich and challenging environment, realizing that the learning process is based on the action of the subject, initially, the concrete actions on concrete objects account for the formation of schemes, and the last stage, the actions abstract (of writing ) On objects account for the formation of abstract concepts.
In other words, the child will have more time to organize their ideas to reflect critically on their mistakes and successes. Thus, it is necessary to create opportunities for the child to reflect on the difficulties spelling of our language.
VYGOTSKY (1996) says that it is only through the acquisition of spoken language, that the individual becomes more complex ways to relate to the world that surrounds. The learning of written language is new and considerable leap in the development of the person.
On this assumption, it is important criticisms of vision, present in psychology and in pedagogy, which considers the learning of writing as just driving ability.

"Teach children are drawing letters and build words with them but does not teach the written language. It was emphasized so the mechanics of reading what is written, that it ends up obscuring the written language as such. (Vygotsky, 1988, p. 119) "

According to talk about Vygotsky believe that the literacy that is so much talk currently in conferences and articles related to literacy.
The problem of the quality of education has been presented with great frequency in discussions in respect of Brazilian education. Speak to him daily newspapers, the televised debates, politicians, the programs of government intervention spheres of federal, state and municipal levels. Also the quality issue has been presented as the main theme in a number of meetings, seminars and conferences sponsored by educational bodies, unions and business.
Significant sectors of Brazilian society seem to be attentive to the fact that education is a requirement social, political and economic world of today. Almost all sectors organized opinion on the importance of education and, consequently, prepare explanatory theories about the failure of Basic Education, expressed in catastrophic numbers of low quality of the final product: a student at the end of their educational background.
Diversifies itself, according to the source alleges that the identity of those responsible for educational problems of the country: the government, the training of teachers, their families and the students themselves, the social misery. The solutions suggested increasing the responsibilities, as places in the same plane, the need for more money, better wages, adequate infrastructure in classrooms, training of teachers, decentralization, autonomy of schools, educational processes of democratization, curriculum reform , Extending the duration of stay of students in schools, revision of forms of assessment, and other less cited.
Facing the table so briefly above should make an effort, within our schools, to discuss the importance of school education for our students in their daily life, in his vision of reality, in its seizure of cultural values in their training as citizens. Emphasizing that, the cultural norms is still an important factor of social ascension.
The challenge seems simple. But let's remember: the ability to resolve a complex issue often depends on our ability to find a single point where to start. It is worth trying.

Um comentário:

steve disse...

The article was in English so my comments will be in English.

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