segunda-feira, 17 de novembro de 2008



Helena Ferreira


Since the purpose to investigate and understand the "expression of verbal language" as a mediator of the event thought, as it is closely related to the formation of the subject in its most basic form: the communication. We've seen people in their working environments, whose difficulties in articulating thought and language are significant. When confronted with situations more complex, claiming a more elaborate level of verbal expression, can not fail to express their thoughts in an organized way, which require complex organization of verbal function and whose origins are closely related to the learning process and those related to autonomy of the subject in several respects. This autonomy understood as the ability of the subject solve their problems in a particular way, autonomous and differential, that is, allowing oneself to be unique, actor and author of its own history.

Key words:

Psicopedagogia, language, subject learner, verbal expression, communication.
Language and Cognition

The subjects, when confronted with situations involving challenges and new learning, do not allow to learn, ie do not allow to contact with the object of knowledge, it only models ready and routine. When atypical experiencing situations in the workplace, unable to improvise or express attitudes assertions. There is always the doubt, even with respect to activities that run on time, so the activity of thinking and verbal expression is limited to copy, undermining the authorship of thinking, acting the subject as an actor, that he represents or copies.
Thus, the subjects often fail by failing to express his thoughts in an organized way, subjecting themselves to failure and social suffering constant. Some assumptions may be involved in this process of development of communication:
• The difficulty of verbal expression may be related to emotional factors.
• Being a verbal language representation system, the difficulty may be related to a lack of understanding.
• Lack of incentives is an important factor for the development of verbal language, which may arise deficits in expressive language.
From this perspective, it is important to note that the language is a very valuable human instrument, its development goes through stages and includes learning. Learning in this context, understood as human, therefore involves communication that is achieved through relationships and these are built individually, as the needs, opportunities and possibilities for each individual.
The evolution of language begins in the first weeks of life, namely through the affection, of intentions, the sounds articulated, the food, she becomes the object of learning, so that children are not encouraged in their daily activities, their games, lack of answers to their questions, experiences of deprivation, may have trouble later on verbal expression.
Luria argues that insofar as the child grows, the meaning of words evolves, as well as thought, the changes are dynamic and not static. The word early in life the child has an emotional character, is motivated and related to affection. The small child to express themselves verbally, expressed their pleasant and unpleasant sensations. His speech is spontaneous and originates from the emotions and impulses. A little later, already in pre-school and the onset of school takes place the prints on the concrete and direct experience actual practice. The meaning of words is the perception that it is of practical things. Only after these phases beginning to emerge behind the words of complex systems, ie, it is possible not only understand things, but also reflect, draw conclusions, deductions of immediate impressions, based on the reasoning. Mental ability complex as abstraction, classification, differentiation, categorization, etc., are characteristic of this phase. In other words, the subject will use the abstract words, the objects are no longer mentioned on condition imediatista perceptual and conceptual rather rational and enriching the knowledge acquired so far. Thus the limits of intelligence sensory-motor are overcome by providing a series of transactions which amount to the abstract level.
The learning forms of verbal expression of language is through rules and very complex process and to respect the pace and of the individual subject, and involve a mediator, who will transmit knowledge and learning, corroborating with Andrade, second it involves a whole learning ensinante and a learner as well as a link between them, without which, or is inappropriate, there is no possibility of building a world organized, thus bringing disorders and complications during all stages of development , Including in adult life. The role of the learner includes afford to be unique and differentiated, one being that you want and it lets you create, it must be actor of his own thought, allow themselves to get in touch with reality and with people. This is first contact with the mother after the other, is the first relationship with the mother who set up the first affective ties, a sense of confidence and the first gratuities and frustrations. So the challenge to learn and express themselves orally and volitional will be revealed and knowledge is built from the knowledge of another, ie the ensinante. Ensinante requires the confidence and opportunities for learning, without the inconvenience that might occur in the life of the learner.
In this context, language is the verbal concepts, ways of organizing real, serves as a mediator between the subject and the object of knowledge, ie the universe of meanings can build and interpret the real world, as well as the construction of meaning by subject through the thought.
Considering the subject initially cited as adults and that apparently already gained during the process of ontogenesis through the experience of communication with adults, that is, already passed by the stages of language development, including formal education and, apparently already exhausted the way the more elaborate verbal language: the notification, it appears that the development process of expressive language is articulated a position subjetive, giving the whole experienced a causal intelligible, being necessary to establish an interplay between the relationships that the subject remains between the meanings and their way of acting and thinking, whose interaction may have normal or pathological characteristics.
The psychopedagogists in its entirety will work with the learner to teach him to deal with its own frustrations, disappointments, that connection is very important, because it will mean that the individual will recognize and assume a unique style.


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