quarta-feira, 17 de dezembro de 2008

The delicate balance between quality and inclusion

The delicate balance between quality and inclusion

Helena Ferreira

"Education for all may seem a faded flag for excessive use, but who knows the day-to-day schools Brazilian knows that the corner formed by school quality and inclusion of all students, there are many failures, not to say fatal accidents. That is, the flag is old, but is still a long way to be retired. "(Adriana Kiperman Rojas - Magazine Pedagogical Patio - Artmed, No. 48, November/2008)

How to open a school for students with special needs, and in fact include them?
How to write a curriculum that incorporates the needs of all?
As a student at the school include inadequate in society?

This is the starting point of this study.

In a country with rates as low reading and a very high rate of illiteracy, is no surprise that missing books and librarians in schools.

What is certain, however, is that if investments are made in the area, will be very difficult for the Brazilians are interested by the letters and improve their performance in reading and writing.

What we need in addition, are projects that teach our children to like the books and have them as a daily necessity and have the pleasure to deal with them.

We need an urgent investment in projects designed to encourage our children to show the creativity of poetry in the art of good living and, showing his talent in those skills that will be formed within an educational process.

Every educator can be partner in this mission, creating projects that may be of interest if his students and sharing their ideas, disseminating their work in class and the school community to which he belongs.

All work must be successfully demonstrated way to make a continuous exchange of experiences.

Nothing should be stored in a drawer, everything has to be shown. The teamwork gives immediate fruit and innovative. The ideas shared will be added to the single goal: the development of mankind as a whole. And who profits from it is society itself that is receiving critical citizens and prepared to live and to live.

The violence that prevails today in the world is a result of poor preparation of their youth. Where the leaders are concerned about everything around you, with the least education of people who may decide the future of humanity.

The man has an intelligence to study the space to build objects with the latest technology, but do not have the intelligence enough to see that there is no point nothing if he does not know live with its neighbor. If he does not have the sensitivity to observe a work of art or you face a poetry emotions.

So the talk of inclusion, we believe only in people who have a physical disability of any kind. But inclusion for me is not only watching for that view. It includes a whole society which is outside the standards of human coexistence.

This is an obligation to everyone, starting with ourselves. And start now wondering: what I did today to improve the quality of life on planet Earth?

If you have the answer, the world agradece in the form of a better quality of life for yourself.

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