quarta-feira, 17 de dezembro de 2008



"Album of figurines"

Reading is one of the most important skills to be worked with the students, especially after recent polls that show that this was one of the main shortcomings of the Brazilian student.

It is not enough to identify the words but make them make sense: understand, interpret, relate and retain what is most relevant.

Teacher: Helena Ferreira

Year: 2008


Bring to the classroom the pleasure of reading, being out of school pupils found in video games and the Internet, entertainment and more attractive occupation for them.


In a casual conversation, talking about the project as a whole and it happens on the choice of books, making the album, awards, etc. .. That this is a job differently, indian to do, because we do playing.

Step 1:

Bringing the students to the school library, so that each one, choose your book.

Step 2:

Illustrate the cover of the book in black and white (for which each gives the color to your liking) and deliver to the teacher.

Step 3:

Read and prepare 5 questions about the book and delivered to the teacher.

Step 4:

The teacher will receive the questions about the book (to meet him) and then put in an envelope or box (for consultation).

Step 5:

The teacher should play the figurines of students so that everyone can receive them as they are reading and responding correctly about the book.

Step 6:

The student has the first figures from his collection, its own figures as they deliver the book to questions about his teacher.

Step 7:

Every book read, the student to deliver the teacher and respond to questions about it, so that will be checked in reading.

Note: If the student does not know the answer teacher's questions about the book, I supposed that he would not read it. In this case he did not receive the figurines, and a new chance for the next date of exchange.

Step 8:

Showing the reading, students may choose another book that is available and take him home.

Step 9:

The day's exchange of books should be combined.

Ex: Daily, one or more times a week.

10th step:

The child who finished completes the album will be the winner. Even there may be more than one winner (will depend on the trade).

11th step:

It will be made an album where the figures will be released and that will be part of a EXPLANATORY the end of the project.

12th step:

When starting the project should be combined as the prize going to happen.

Ex: 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th, 5th ... places.

Now run it.

13th step:

Working in the classroom: graphics or other activities involving the best books or those most widely read among students.

Note: The amount of books is the amount of students in the class.


Add a commemoration for the delivery of the awards for best players.

It is the discretion of the teacher and students: dissemination of books read; winning dramatization of the book or other activities that are suggested by the students themselves, provided that the project belongs to them.

This day should be special for all students to feel the importance of reading and that the effort was compensated.

"The reading should be seen as a daily habit and pleasant, not as a sacrifice."


Develop this project since the year 2004 and assure the positive results obtained.

It is a project that in addition to first please the students who are the major stakeholders, like parents and transforms the classroom into literary laboratory.

The duration of the work depends on the number of students who participate effectively.

Everybody wants to be the winners ... and the really are or parcilamente reading all the books.

Of course, the books will be chosen by a selection made by the teacher and ensure that an effective participation in the process of choice, suggesting my opinion on critical works and authors, directing that all lead to really interesting books and the appropriate age range of students.

Every year that I develop this work can see that the child and encouraged exímio becomes a player and this is recorded in your mind for the rest of your life.

I have received many testimonies of students who today are already in high school, and say they have been such a project, which showed them the pleasure of reading, but also the gateway to the world of literacy.

2 comentários:

Darlene Joy disse...

This project is really nice and of great importance.

It will not only develop an interest on reading to children but it will also help them develop a good habit of learning through reading books and other literatures.

This type of project that entails recognition will surely be effective in attaining the desired objectives.

I hope this can go on and on and also be introduced to various schools as well.

Keep up the good work dear friend!


Darlene Joy disse...

As a testimony myself, we have similar curriculum in school.

It is called Student Reading Apparatus, wherein some articles are there for reading then afterwards some questions follow with corresponding answers and record sheet of how the student progress in his or her reading comprehension.

Surely it helped a lot in developing reading interests as well as it helps improve the vocabulary and communication skills of students.

Best regards!
