sábado, 4 de outubro de 2008

Sex Education in Childhood

Ferreira, Helena

It should be concern of parents and educators that the children have a healthy sex education, which is not limited to a mere learning of the human body, its organs and functions, which is already included by the natural sciences or, what is worse, trying to transform into a technical reality, of course, wonderful and completing the human being as is the sexual activity. Not of love were foregone in the realization of gender, because the man is a rational being who does not act only on instinct, like animals. In any living human, the reason should be guiding the pipeline. It can not, as some want, reduce the human sex to something mechanical and superficial, aimed solely and exclusively to provide pleasure.

The subject is addressed in a manner of agreement educational parameters with the National Curriculum and every educator should be aware of it, so that the child is aware of how to behave in the face of situations that generate questions regarding the changes in body and mind in his pre-adolescence.

A child psychology and scientifically well-informed on how to handle your body will be an adult closely related to life and will respect your body and others, so an adult prepared to live in society.

Feel that their children are prepared simply because they teach contraceptive techniques, totally ignoring the values and human life, not teaching sex in the context of true love and lasting, is a big mistake against which parents must be vigilant. Therefore, parents need to know about how the issue is being treated at school for their children.

Today only focused on teaching how to use condoms, treating the matter as mere concern to decrease the population, to avoid AIDS, leaving aside the moral and ethical values.

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